In the words of Bobbie Garcia...
We would like to say “thank you” to Bobbie Garcia for 20 amazing years. Bobbie Garcia has been a steadfast, dedicated, and integral part of our family for the past 20 years. Bobbie started her career with Carter’s Insurance on Oct. 28, 2002. It is hard to believe so much time has passed; think about what can happen in 20 years… Bobbie has shared with us her perspective as an insurance agent for 20 years.
From Bobbie’s perspective…
I began in the insurance industry when I was 20 years old. Today is my 20th anniversary in insurance and also in working for the same agency and with the same owners for these 20 years. On the customer side of my desk, one may listen to me explain things in what seems like a foreign language, but to commemorate 20 years, I want to share what I have seen on my side of the desk over this time:
I have been with you…
When you bought your first home with all of the nerves, uncertainties, and excitement.
When you introduced me to the person you were going to marry so I could explain how to combine the protection of your assets.
When you had your babies, and I held them and I tried to find some form of entertainment around the office so you could
sign paperwork for the bigger car you need now.
When you have had to tell your elderly parents you decided they can no longer drive or stay at their own home.
Through the fears of each of your children’s first experiences driving.
Through devastating divorces and the anger and despair of separating
When your parents have passed and have had emotions of dealing with the estate and the disunity of the family.
When inflation has gone nuts and you have to pay insurance, but really need gas and groceries.
Through the loss of children in accidents while trying to keep my composure and find the words to say when turning in a claim.
When I am in bed and hear the news of a house fire, knowing whose home it is and wondering if they are okay.
I have done all these things with your parents, children, friends, and co-workers.
I have loved being with you. Here is to 20 years!
“Work willingly at whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if working for the Lord.” Colossians 3:23
Thank you for visiting our blog.
Written by Bobbie Garcia, Senior Insurance Agent
Carter’s Insurance Agency
Published October 28, 2022